Thursday, April 17, 2008

Let the Torch Burn On

Of all the Olympic Games that I have witnessed in my life, none have stirred up as much controversy - before the games even begin - as the Beijing Olympics of 2008.

I understand the position of those protesting the Olympics this year. China is guilty of many human rights violations - that cannot be denied, and I would never try to deny it. I sympathize with Tibet's desire for independence, and I certainly don't support China's actions in Darfur.

I do, however, support the spirit of the Olympic Games - a spirit of brother- and sister-hood among all nations, a celebration of all that is good about humanity.

Criticize China if you feel that is the right thing to do (and I believe they should be condemned) but do not drag the Olympic Games down at the same time. I am particularly angry toward the people who have tried to douse the flame of the Olympic torch as it makes its relay around the world. How does extinguishing a flame that represents the unity of people from around the globe in a common purpose help to support human rights?

I believe it is possible to let the Games go on without necessarily supporting China's actions. Let's all try to remember the meaning of the Olympic Games and hope that it is that message that comes through all of this.

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