Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Favorite Fictional Females Countdown - #10: Willow Rosenberg

Today's special: a cup of decaf coffee and a kosher butter pecan turtle bar to celebrate my favorite member of the Scooby Gang - Willow!

Name: Willow Rosenberg
Featured in: "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
Played by: Alyson Hannigan
Special Abilities: Huge intellect, masterful knowledge of computers (especially when it comes to breaking into sites/computers where access is denied) and, oh yeah, she becomes a majorly powerful witch.
Why She Rocks: I think most young girls (or women who were once young girls) will agree that Willow is the character with whom it is easiest to identify. She begins the series as a teenage girl who, despite being incredibly brilliant and gifted, is very shy and insecure, particularly around guys. Despite her insecurities, Willow is always there for her friends, particularly Buffy and Xander. She (along with Giles) is the brains of the Scooby Gang, giving Buffy much needed info that helps her defeat the vamps, demons, and other beasties in Sunnydale. Through facing her fears (over and over and over again), Willow gains confidence and a sense of who she is. I love seeing Willow's growth from shy teenager to powerful witch over the course of the series. I'm also grateful to this show and to Joss Whedon for giving us a case on television where a character's homosexuality and same-sex relationship is not used for laughs but rather treated with just as much depth and attention as any other part of the show. I think Willow's brilliance, compassion, and confidence (which she gained as the show went on) make her a great role model and a worthy #10 on this countdown.

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