Friday, April 25, 2008

Favorite Fictional Females Countdown # 6: Jessie

"You never forget kids like Emily or Andy... but they forget you." - Jessie

For Your Listening Pleasure: "Even Cowgirls Get the Blues" by Emmylou Harris, and "When She Loved Me," by Sarah MacLachlan, to celebrate fabulous female number six - Jessie the Yodeling Cowgirl!

Name: Jessie the Yodeling Cowgirl (or just Jessie)
Featured in: Toy Story 2 (and, coming in 2010, Toy Story 3!)
Voiced by: Joan Cusack
Special Skills: She's the only Pixar character (and only Disney animated character that I know of) that can yodel, she can more than hold her own in hand-to-hand fighting (she would have beaten Woody even if he'd had both his arms), and she has a strong sense of duty when it comes to "critters" who need help.
Awards: Jessie won the Patsy Montana Entertainer Award from the National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame, and Joan Cusack won the Annie (Animation) Award for Best Voice Acting by a Female in a Feature Film.
Why She Rocks: Jessie was the first in a memorable line of strong female characters to come from Pixar Animation Studios. Thanks to prompting and suggestions from the movie's female producers and from Joan Cusack herself, the Toy Story series changed from a mostly male affair to a story featuring a strong female in a prominent role. Jessie is a smart, sassy woman who is not afraid to speak her mind or stand up for herself, even against Woody. She's also quite active, full of life, and ready to take full advantage of the chance to stretch her legs outside of her cramped storage box. However, behind Jessie's exuberant and playful demeanor is the broken and wary heart of a toy whose beloved child (a girl named Emily) outgrew her and carelessly gave her away. Indeed, it is Jessie's story that gives Toy Story 2 its heart and its emotional core, providing an insight not only into Jessie's past but also into Woody's greatest fear - that he will one day be cast aside by Andy. Happily, Jessie finds a new home with Andy and all of Andy's toys at the end of the movie and is finally part of a loving family again - and she catches the attention of Buzz Lightyear, who becomes a bit smitten with our girl. Of course, the best Jessie moment in the movie comes at the film's climax, when Jessie and Woody are escaping from the plane. Jessie, in true strong female fashion, saves Woody from falling to a crushing death beneath the wheels by grabbing his arm just as he slips. This part of the scene was, in fact, influenced by Joan Cusack. Originally, Jessie was slated to be the one who slipped from the beam and was caught by Woody, but Cusack suggested they reverse it, not only to show Jessie as a stronger character but also to keep the scene from being too "typical" (way to go Joan!) Jessie also shows strength in her ability to take the (literal) "leap of faith" necessary to trust Woody and let go of the plane, allowing her and Woody to swing to safety.

Woody: Jessie! Let go of the plane!
Jessie: What, are you crazy!?
Woody: Just pretend its the final episode of "Woody's Roundup!"
Jessie: But it was canceled! We never saw if you made it!
Woody: Then let's find out together!
(Jessie looks at Woody for a moment, then lets go of the plane. With a yell, the two swing through the air and land to safety on Bullseye's back)

Check out Pixar's character description here.

Here's a video of "When She Loved Me," the heart-wrenching, Oscar-nominated song that relates Jessie's time with Emily:

And, just for fun, a song for the cowgirl who has some sad memories in her past:

Clinton or Obama? The Question Continues...

As most know by now, Hillary won Pennsylvania by a considerable margin, despite being majorly outspent in that state by Obama.

What does this mean? Well, it means we get to keep doing what we've been doing for a while now - watch Clinton and Obama duke it out in an increasingly heated race for the nomination. Obama still leads in delegates, the popular vote, and states won. However, the loss in PA called into question his ability to win large states and his chances in a general election against McCain. Next up we have Indiana, which is up in the air, and North Carolina, which is (I believe) leaning towards Clinton. None of these states will be enough to give either candidate a clear lead, so the nomination will likely be up to the superdelegates.

So, my take on all of this?

I've been leaning toward Obama for a while now. He seems like a fairly straightforward man (for a politician) who really has goals he wants to accomplish to make our nation better. I also believe his experience in a global community will help him change the image of the U.S. from an arrogant loner cowboy country to a partner for global cooperation.

That said, there are plenty of good points about Clinton too. Of course, I would love to see a woman occupy our nation's highest office, and the fact that I helped get her there would be something to tell my grandchildren. In addition, I think her health care plan is the best out of all the plans the candidates have put forth. Clinton has proposed making health care mandatory for all, with government subsidies for those who cannot afford health care. I think it makes sense, and it would work within the system we already have in place.

Political pundits say this race for the nomination is hurting the Democrats, and on some level, I agree. However, there is a school of thought that says there is no such thing as bad publicity. The Democrats are now directly in the public eye, getting their issues out to the people, while McCain is only occasionally mentioned in the news. Maybe that's a good thing?

I don't know. All I know is that I watched both Clinton and Obama speak the other night after PA primary, and I am still undecided.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

WALL-E Update

First of all: I just took another look at IMDb, and John Ratzenberger's participation in the movie is now listed at "rumored," as is the involvement of Sigourney Weaver and Kathy Najimy. I would think that such things as cast lists would be released by now, since the movie is only about 2 months away from opening, but I guess not. Anyway, I REALLY hope that Ratzenberger will be in the movie... I think its a nice tradition to keep.

Second: I've become aware of something of a controversy (among fans, at least) about the similarity of WALL-E to another famous robot with a personality - Johnny 5 from Short Circuit. I think its probably just coincidence - there are some similarities, but there are also quite a few differences. Take a look:

The "feet" look a lot alike - but they also look a lot like the tires (or whatever they're called) used by backhoes and other heavy construction equipment. Aside from that, WALL-E and Johnny 5 have different bodies (boxy vs thin and rectangular), different eyes (binocular-like vs. camera-lens-like) and at least slightly different arms. Bottom line: I don't think there are enough similarities to accuse anyone of stealing.

UPDATE (again): The "rumored" disclaimers have been removed from names on IMDb's WALL-E page. So that means a DEFINITE role for John Ratzenberg, right? *crosses fingers and hopes*

Friday, April 18, 2008

Favorite Fictional Females Countdown #7: Luna Lovegood

"Don't worry. You're just as sane as I am." - Luna Lovegood

Today's Special: A goblet of ice-cold pumpkin juice and a bowl of Freshwater Plimpy soup - or a plate of chocolate frogs for those who don't particularly like Plimpies - to celebrate number seven on our Favorite Fictional Females Countdown: Luna "Loony" Lovegood!

Name: Luna "Loony" Lovegood
Featured in: The Harry Potter book series, starting with Order of the Phoenix (Book 5), and the Harry Potter film series, starting with the fifth movie.
Played by: Evanna Lynch
Special Skills: A keen skill for observation, a special knack for perceiving and stating uncomfortable truths, a mind that is open to anything - even her father's outlandish theories - and unflappable bravery and loyalty that make her an valuable friend to Harry and an asset to everyone on the side fighting against Voldemort.
House: Ravenclaw
Affiliations: Dumbledore's Army
Why She Rocks: The qualities listed above are huge points in Luna's favor, but they only scratch the surface of why Luna is such an awesome character. Luna is wonderful because she is just unashamedly and unapologetically odd. She doesn't just march to the beat of her own drum - this girl is dancing to an entire orchestra that no one else can hear. And the best part is that she doesn't mind what other people think. Luna is aware that others call her odd, but their teasing doesn't affect what she does. Luna will go on searching for Crumple-Horned Snorkacks, stating her father's wild theories as though they were fact, and wearing dirigible plums dangling from her ears because that is who she is. And we wouldn't want it any other way. After all, this "Loony" Luna is the same one who stood by Harry's side three times as he fought Death Eaters and who gave him the most helpful words of comfort after Sirius was killed, for she too had seen a loved-one die. Luna - just as she is - is one incredible girl, and an awesome part of the Harry Potter world.

For more info about our favorite "loony" witch, check out this excellent page at the Harry Potter Wiki.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Hooray for WALL-E!

I just saw the trailer for Wall-E, the upcoming film from Pixar, and all I can say is:

YES!!! WOOHOO!!! Bring it on!

I am incredibly excited for this movie! First of all, its from Pixar, a studio that has yet to disappoint - a point they made in excellent fashion by showing shots from all the previous amazing Pixar films in the Wall-E trailer. Pixar consistently makes films that feature not only beautiful animation but also memorable, loveable characters and strong, moving stories that make you forget all about the technical aspects of the film and just let yourself get caught up in the storytelling.

Reasons I'm especially excited for Wall-E:
  • The movie is directed by Andrew Stanton, the same man who directed the AMAZING Finding Nemo. Bottom line: this guy knows what he's doing.
  • "EVE," the female robot who befriends Wall-E, is one tough chick. It's nice to see some girl power on the silver screen. :-)
  • I found out that it WILL have the voice of John Ratzenberger. I didn't see his name on the cast list at IMDb, but I read a press release that confirmed that his voice is in the movie. John Ratzenberger is considered Pixar's "lucky charm" (he's been in every Pixar movie to date), so his presence in the film is a good sign.

Let the Torch Burn On

Of all the Olympic Games that I have witnessed in my life, none have stirred up as much controversy - before the games even begin - as the Beijing Olympics of 2008.

I understand the position of those protesting the Olympics this year. China is guilty of many human rights violations - that cannot be denied, and I would never try to deny it. I sympathize with Tibet's desire for independence, and I certainly don't support China's actions in Darfur.

I do, however, support the spirit of the Olympic Games - a spirit of brother- and sister-hood among all nations, a celebration of all that is good about humanity.

Criticize China if you feel that is the right thing to do (and I believe they should be condemned) but do not drag the Olympic Games down at the same time. I am particularly angry toward the people who have tried to douse the flame of the Olympic torch as it makes its relay around the world. How does extinguishing a flame that represents the unity of people from around the globe in a common purpose help to support human rights?

I believe it is possible to let the Games go on without necessarily supporting China's actions. Let's all try to remember the meaning of the Olympic Games and hope that it is that message that comes through all of this.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

April 16 - Remembering Virginia Tech

Today marks the one year anniversary of the Virginia Tech massacre. Please join me in praying for the families and friends of the 32 people who were killed on that tragic day. I also pray for students and faculty in colleges and schools everywhere, that a tragedy like the one at Virginia Tech will be prevented from ever happening again.

If you would like to learn more about the massacre or send condolences, visit this website.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

In Memoriam

Ollie Johnston, a legendary animator from the golden age of Disney animated films, passed away yesterday at the age of 95.

Johnston was the last surviving member of Disney's Nine Old Men, a core group of animator/filmmakers that brought us some of the most beloved animated films ever.

Ollie Johnston's impressive list of Disney classics include:
  • "Snow White"
  • "Fantasia"
  • "Bambi"
  • "Pinocchio"
  • "Cinderella,"
  • "Alice in Wonderland,"
  • "Peter Pan"
  • "Lady and the Tramp"
  • "Sleeping Beauty"
  • "101 Dalmatians"
  • "Mary Poppins"
  • "The Jungle Book"
  • "The Aristocats"
  • "Robin Hood"
  • "The Rescuers"
Ollie Johnston and his amazing talent and dedication helped lead Disney and animation itself to the heights they have reached. Without Ollie Johnston's influence in the early days of animation, we wouldn't have any of the classic tales that he helped bring to life. Furthermore, there wouldn't have been "The Little Mermaid, "Beauty and the Beast," "Aladdin," "The Lion King," or any of the other animated masterpieces that have been made since his time at Disney.

So here's to you, Ollie Johnston. Thank you so much.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Favorite Fictional Females Countdown #8: Dory

Ok, so she's not human... or even humanoid. But she is female, and certainly one of the funniest, most memorable, and most lovable Pixar characters yet created. In my book, that more than earns her a spot on this countdown.

Everyone, please put your fins together for the one, the only... Dory!

Name: Dory
Featured in: Finding Nemo
Voiced by: Ellen DeGeneres
Special Skills: She is very friendly, even toward sharks. She is incredibly loyal and will follow her friend across the entire ocean. Oh, and she can speak whale!
Why She Rocks: So many reasons... If Marlin is the heart of the Finding Nemo story, then Dory is the soul, keeping everyone swimming along with a smile and a song. Nothing can bring down this eternal optimist, not even "Mr. Grumpy Gills" himself. So she has a little trouble remembering things... she more than makes up for it with her friendliness, spirit, and loyalty. Let's face it... Marlin would not have made it to Nemo without Dory.

Extra points for Dory- she has the best quotes! Some examples:
  • [singing] Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim.
  • [playing with a baby jellyfish] I shall call him squishy, and he shall be mine, and he shall be my squishy!
  • [dreaming] Uhhh... the sea monkeys have my money... yes, I'm a natural blue...
  • [angler fish's light approaches] Yes, I see... a light. Hey, conscience, am I dead?
  • I can read? That's right, I can READ!
  • [translating "whale"] Okay, he either said, "move to the back of the throat," or he "wants a root beer float".
  • [reading a door] Hey, look. "Esc-a-pay". I wonder what that means? That's funny, it's spelled just like the word "escape."
  • [to the angler fish after Marlin and Dory trap him] No no no eating here tonight, you're on a diet!
  • [in response to Marlin saying he's stuck with a fish who can't even remember her name] Boy, I bet that's frustrating.
  • I suffer from short term memory loss. It runs in my family... At least I think it does... Where are they?
And Dory's most touching quote - pretty much sums up the theme of the film:
  • [after hearing about Marlin's promise to Nemo] Huh. Well that's a funny thing to promise. [Marlin: What?] Well, you can't never let anything happen to him. Then nothing would *ever* happen to him. Not much fun for little Harpo.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Some political satire with your coffee?

Its an election year, the campaigns are heating up, and serious issues are dominating the airwaves. So what better time could there be to add some levity to the proceedings?

Enter "The Capitol Steps," the finest in musical political humor.

This spoofing singing group specializes in satirizing the crazy world of American politics - as the group's motto says, "We put the MOCK in Democracy." The best part is that no one is safe from the these satirical singers. They mock all aspects of the political spectrum equally - left, right, and center.

Check out "The Capitol Steps" and their latest straight-from-the-headlines satirical songs here at their home page.

And here is one of my favorite songs that the group wrote/performed:

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Favorite Fictional Females Countdown #9: Helen Parr a.k.a. Elastigirl

Today's Special: A cup of strong coffee and a slice of chocolate cake (she deserves it!) for #9 on our countdown: Helen Parr a.k.a. Elastigirl!

Name: Helen Parr a.k.a. Elastigirl
Featured in: The Incredibles
Voiced by: Holly Hunter
Special Skills: She can stretch, flatten, and bend her body any way she wants, she's great a thinking on her feet, and she can more than hold her own in hand-to-hand combat. And she can fly a plane!
Why She Rocks: This hardworking wife and mother of three is not your typical suburbanite. She is a superhero who was forced into hiding with her family after a wave of anti-superhero sentiment swept the country. Helen is fiercely devoted to and protective of her family. She is not afraid to voice her opinion and stand her ground, and she eschews the idea of standing aside and letting others save the world. Quotage (thanks to IMDB):

Bob: Wait here and stay hidden. I'm going in.
Helen: While what? I watch helplessly from the sidelines? I don't think so.
Bob: I'm asking you to wait with the kids.
Helen: And I'm telling you, not a chance. You're my husband, I'm with you - for better or worse.
Bob: I have to do this alone.
Helen: What is this to you? Playtime?
Bob: No.
Helen: So you can be Mr. Incredible again?
Bob: No!
Helen: Then what? What is it?
Bob: I'm not...
Helen: Not what?
Bob: Not... I'm not strong enough.
Helen: Strong enough? And this will make you stronger?
Bob: Yes. No!
Helen: That's what this is? Some sort of work out?
Bob: [shouts] I can't lose you again!
[calms down]
Bob: I can't. Not again. I'm not s-strong enough.
Helen: [kisses him] If we work together, you won't have to be.
Bob: I don't know what will happen...
Helen: Hey, c'mon. We're superheroes. What could happen?

Helen is one tough, crime-fighting superheroine, and well deserving of a Top Ten spot. For more info about this awesome character, check out Pixar's description.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Favorite Fictional Females Countdown - #10: Willow Rosenberg

Today's special: a cup of decaf coffee and a kosher butter pecan turtle bar to celebrate my favorite member of the Scooby Gang - Willow!

Name: Willow Rosenberg
Featured in: "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"
Played by: Alyson Hannigan
Special Abilities: Huge intellect, masterful knowledge of computers (especially when it comes to breaking into sites/computers where access is denied) and, oh yeah, she becomes a majorly powerful witch.
Why She Rocks: I think most young girls (or women who were once young girls) will agree that Willow is the character with whom it is easiest to identify. She begins the series as a teenage girl who, despite being incredibly brilliant and gifted, is very shy and insecure, particularly around guys. Despite her insecurities, Willow is always there for her friends, particularly Buffy and Xander. She (along with Giles) is the brains of the Scooby Gang, giving Buffy much needed info that helps her defeat the vamps, demons, and other beasties in Sunnydale. Through facing her fears (over and over and over again), Willow gains confidence and a sense of who she is. I love seeing Willow's growth from shy teenager to powerful witch over the course of the series. I'm also grateful to this show and to Joss Whedon for giving us a case on television where a character's homosexuality and same-sex relationship is not used for laughs but rather treated with just as much depth and attention as any other part of the show. I think Willow's brilliance, compassion, and confidence (which she gained as the show went on) make her a great role model and a worthy #10 on this countdown.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Favorite Fictional Females Countdown!

Have a cafe mocha and a chocolate chip cookie on the house, because today it is time to give those fabulous women from movies, television, and books their due!

The idea came to me after I watched the TV Guide Channel's countdown of TV's Sexiest Women of All Time. If they can do it, why can't I? I'll be counting down my top ten favorite female characters from all my favorite forms of entertainment (not just TV).

Of course, this list will be highly subjective and based solely on my own movie, TV, and book preferences. For a more objective (and strictly Disney) heroine countdown, look at this list of the Top 25 Heroines. This list is based on voting by site visitors/contributors.

I'll begin the countdown with my next post. Stay tuned!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Today's Special: A Taste of France

Today's Special: a nice hot cup of Cafe au Lait (coffee with steamed milk) and a chocolate croissant.

Why, you ask? Today is a celebration:

I finally bought my tickets to France!

That's right - Daphne and I will be in Paris from September 4th through the 15th!

PARIS!! Can you believe it?!

We decided to go to Paris last fall when we both confessed a desire to travel in Europe - and what is more quintessentially European than Paris? We plan to see everything we can possibly see and have the experience of our lives!

Here is a preliminary list of the sights we want to see - but we'll surely see much, much more:
- Notre Dame
- Versailles
- Montmarte
- The Bastille
- The Louvre
- The Eiffel Tower
- The Arch de Triomphe
- The Moulin Rougue (too bad it doesn't come with Ewan MacGregor)
- Sacre Coeur

Saturday, April 5, 2008

For Your Listening Pleasure: Sara Bareilles and Anna Nalick

I thought you might like a little music with your coffee today. Sara Bareilles is one of my favorite artists lately. If you like "Love Song," check out some of her other songs, especially "Between the Lines" and "Fairy Tale." This video also features Anna Nalick, another favorite artist of mine, with her song "Shine."

Introducing Tiana

This is why I am excited about new Disney films again:

Disney is going back to traditional 2-D, hand-drawn animation (for the first time since 2004) with 2009's The Princess and the Frog.

I don't have anything against computer animation - or rather, nothing against GOOD computer animation. Pixar, for example, makes AMAZING animated films. However, I am less than impressed by the rather ho-hum quality of the latest non-Pixar Disney films. No moving story lines, no musicals - what is that about? I want the rich tradition of the Disney films back - the awesome films I grew up with. I want something along the lines of Beauty and the Beast, not Chicken Little.

Fortunately for all of us, The Princess and the Frog seems to be a return to awesome, traditional Disney films - it will be hand-drawn, a musical, and the first Disney film since Aladdin to feature a princess (if you don't count Enchanted). Additionally, this film will feature the first African-American Disney Princess, named Princess Tiana (voiced by Anika Noni Rose) and it will be set in 1920's Jazz Age New Orleans.

Other reasons I have high hopes for this movie:
  • The film will be directed by John Musker and Ron Clements, who directed The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, and Hercules - that's an impressive resume in my book.
  • Most of the voice cast is made up of actors who have Broadway experience - the highlight is Anika Noni Rose, who was in "Dreamgirls." This means no more "sound-alike" singing voices, which I've always considered something of a cop-out. Instead, we'll have a princess in the tradition of Jodi Benson (Ariel) and Paige O'Hara (Belle), who both spoke and sang their roles.
  • Randy Newman (who wrote the score for A Bug's Life, Monster's Inc., Cars and both Toy Story films) will be writing the music for The Princess and the Frog. To be honest, I would have been happier if the legendary Alan Menken - the man who wrote the soundtrack to my childhood with his scores for The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Pocahontas, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, and Hercules - was doing the score, but Randy Newman is great as well, so I'm not worried.

The Edge of the Storm

I try to be a well-informed person, but lets face it... there usually just aren't enough hours in the day. However, as the presidential campaign heats up and the stances the various candidates become front page news, I feel as though I should make a point of being aware of the issues.

I don't consider myself much of a political person. I grew up in a house with a Republican and a Democrat, and I like to think of myself as a moderate - a balanced combination of the two ideologies.

Here is the political compass test I took on Facebook:
My score was more or less what I expected, though perhaps a little more liberal that I thought it would be.

So the question seems to be this: Hillary, Obama, or McCain?

Stay tuned.