Tuesday, January 19, 2010

When Fandoms Collide

Today's Specials: Slushies, frozen yogurt (spork included), and all the pig's blood you want (or not, if you aren't of the "creature of the night" persuasion)

People, I fear I may actually pass out from all this awesome.

Here's the scoop: Dr. Horrible star Neil Patrick Harris (NPH) may appear on the episode of Glee directed by - wait for it - Joss Whedon.

Back when I heard the news that Joss was directing a Glee episode, I had an idle notion - a fleeting, hopeful wish - that Joss might use his considerable pull among members of the Whedonverse (a.k.a. actors who have appeared in Whedon shows) to get one or more of them to appear in the episode. I even thought, fleetingly, that NPH might be the guy to do it. But I sure didn't think it would actually happen.

But now, barring some Grinch-like CBS executive stealing all the joy from the hearts of Whedonites and Gleeks everywhere, NPH WILL reunite with Joss this spring and treat Glee to his particular brand of awesome.


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