Friday, January 15, 2010

"The Hollow Men"


This time, I'm just going to jot down the various things that occurred to me during this episode, in no particular order:

  • Can you say "poetic justice"? I mean, I can't think of a more fitting end for the man responsible for the thought-pocalypse (I don't care what you think, Topher, it's really Boyd's fault in the end) than to turn him into a Doll and then blow him up while simultaneously destroying his headquarters? And yet, at the same time, I couldn't help feeling sorry for him. I mean, he was good ol' Boyd for so long, it's hard not to still feel a twinge of friendly feeling for him. And on that note...
  • Thank you Topher for articulating exactly what I felt after learning of Boyd's true identity! "I mean, what an actor! I don't know whether to hate him or ask for his autograph!"
  • And one more thing on Boyd: anyone else get really creeped out with his "I love you guys"? This is one creepy, twisted, sociopathic S.O.B. if he thinks that they're a "family" after all the manipulation he's subjected them to.
  • Mellie! Oh God, Mellie! I loved her and Ballard together from the beginning, so I should have known, given Joss's history with couples (he hates them, apparently, and therefore continues to tear them apart) that one of them would die. But oh, poor Mellie! At least she died nobly, saving Paul's life and all. But still...
  • One of my favorite lines of the episode came from Paul after Echo pulled a gun on Boyd and Boyd put a gun to Paul's head. Paul: "What did I miss?"
  • A big thank you to the writers for giving us one last glimpse of Victor-as-Topher. Pure awesome, again.
  • And am I the only one who found herself screaming at the screen several times. First: "No, Topher, don't trust him!" And later: "No, Paul, don't give Mellie the gun!" I call it a good piece of television if I'm so invested in the story that I'm yelling at people who clearly can't hear me.

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