Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hulu, curse your sudden yet inevitable betrayal!

Finally, a justifiable reason to use that quote!

I was once completely in love with Hulu. I mean, anything that lets me watch TV episodes I missed (or just enjoy watching over and over) gets nothing but love from me. But now, I feel as though I've been stabbed in the heart.

First, they announce that they will start charging for content in 2010. That was bad enough. The whole point of Hulu is that it is FREE. Hello!

But NOW, they are only streaming the first FIVE episodes of Firefly! And only the first season of Buffy! How dare they!

People of Hulu, be warned: You have angered the Whedonverse (and probably a lot of other fandoms as well, I haven't checked). You will face the consequences.

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