Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"Space Cowboy"

Here's a nice little Halloween treat for Browncoats and Whedonites everywhere:

The Halloween episode of Castle (which stars Nathan Fillion, a.k.a Captain Malcolm "Mal" Reynolds) features some pretty frickin' awesome references to Firefly and Buffy.

The BEST part is in the first few minutes. Just seeing that costume again was a enough to make me squee like a schoolgirl. Oh Mal, I love you. <3

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hulu, curse your sudden yet inevitable betrayal!

Finally, a justifiable reason to use that quote!

I was once completely in love with Hulu. I mean, anything that lets me watch TV episodes I missed (or just enjoy watching over and over) gets nothing but love from me. But now, I feel as though I've been stabbed in the heart.

First, they announce that they will start charging for content in 2010. That was bad enough. The whole point of Hulu is that it is FREE. Hello!

But NOW, they are only streaming the first FIVE episodes of Firefly! And only the first season of Buffy! How dare they!

People of Hulu, be warned: You have angered the Whedonverse (and probably a lot of other fandoms as well, I haven't checked). You will face the consequences.

Friday, October 23, 2009



Finally, a Sierra-centric episode of Dollhouse, and its a doozy. I mean really, where do I start?

Topher's as good a place as any, I suppose. Good God, Topher. I've loved him from the very first episode - I mean, hey, he's the Xander/Wash character, that funny guy who always finds his way into Joss' shows. But there's a dark undertone to Topher that neither Xander nor Wash ever had. We learned early on that Topher doesn't care so much about the consequences of what he's doing, just as long as he gets to use his fancy toys and show off his brilliance. And in this episode, we find out that his lack of morals is exactly why he was chosen to work at the Dollhouse. So what does Topher do when his conscience finally starts to get to him? He gets a painful lesson in consequences - one that was chilling and well-executed by the writer and director (who, by the way, was Jonathan "Commander Riker" Frakes, don't forget). This episode seems like a turning point for Topher's character, and I wonder where he will go from here. I can't imagine him leaving the Dollhouse - I'm not even sure if they'd let him - but I don't think he'll be able to do imprints with the same nonchalance anymore. Maybe he'll join Ballard and Echo in taking down the Dollhouse?

Moving on to Boyd: Holy crap! There is a LOT we don't know about this guy. For starters: How the heck does he know so much about getting rid of bodies? I don't think we were ever told what he did before the Dollhouse, and now I'm somewhat afraid to know. Also, why is he working at the Dollhouse in the first place? He obviously doesn't like the idea of the organization very much.
Might he have been forced into service? I did like the bit where Boyd figures out that Echo can remember and then gives her the All Access card key. The "coming storm" bit is intriguing too... I wonder if Joss is setting up a final showdown as a way to wrap up the series if Fox decides not to renew.

Finally, the cuteness: I LOVE Sierra and Victor. And I love that their feelings are real, in the sense that they love each other and remember each other even when they are not in their doll state. I like the idea that love is something that transcends science and brainwaves and all of that. It's in the soul, and you can't mess with that. <3

Well, that's it for now. No new Dollhouse until December 4. The show won't be on during November sweeps, which is NOT a good sign. On the plus side, the next episode will feature a guest spot by Summer Glau, who played our favorite crazy genius River Tam on Firefly.

This I Believe, Part 1

This I Believe:

The role of art is to help people to see the world from another point of view - whether it be through the eyes of a different culture, a different place, a different social circumstance, a different gender, or a different sexual orientation - while at the same time emphasizing the basic elements of humanity that connect us all. We may not agree with what we see through that different point of view, but hopefully, we will come away with a new understanding, a new sense of compassion.

That, in my opinion, is what art, at its best, is all about. If we can open ourselves to creating and experiencing that kind of art, maybe we can make the world a more tolerant and understanding place. That's worth a little controversy and a little discomfort, isn't it?

Monday, October 19, 2009



Loved TBBT tonight. True, Wil Wheaton is not much of an actor, but it was so much fun watching Sheldon do his usual crazy bit on ol' Wesley.

The Star Trek references were, as expected, plentiful. The ending was the best though (see the title of this post).

I also loved storyline involving Howard's date. I was expecting the date to go the way Howard's dates usually go, but Bernadette was a nice change: First, she was the dud date because she didn't seem to be interested in anything; then, she and Howard bonded over their shared interest in ticking off their mothers. I hope we get to see more of them together.


Joss Whedon, the man who brought us Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog and the musical episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer is directing an episode of Glee!!!!

So much awesome in one place! I'm exploding with geekiness!!!

I'll probably comment again later when I've calmed down a bit, but now I am just SO EXCITED!

Disney treats!

Here's some news from Disney regarding The Princess and the Frog, the studio's first traditionally animated film in FIVE YEARS. On the film's page over at the Disney website, John Lasseter posted a video message along with a treasure trove of concept art and character sketches.

I was blown away by this artwork. If the finished movie is anywhere near as beautiful as its concept art, prepare for a seriously awesome cinematic experience. Of course, there are a lot of other elements that have to be present in a truly great animated film: a great story, wonderful characters that you can relate to, heartfelt emotion, etc. Here's hoping that Disney will give us the magic that we all remember from years past and that we've all been waiting to experience again.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Star Trek and The Big Bang Theory!

A bit more from the Trekkie Girl front:

Wil "Wesley Crusher" Wheaton will guest star on tomorrow's episode of The Big Bang Theory!

Now, I have to admit that Wesley Crusher is NOT my favorite Star Trek character. In fact, seeing him in an episode often gives me a sudden urge to throw things and scream "Shut UP, Wesley!" at the TV.

That said, I'm always excited when TBBT features Star Trek references, and tomorrow should prove to be a Trekkie geek-out extravaganza.

So remember: Monday, 9:30, on CBS. Be there.

Live long and prosper, everyone.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Oops... nevermind

Fox: Curse your sudden yet inevitable betrayal!

OK, not really (not this time, at least), but I so rarely get a chance to use that awesome quote, and I AM pretty disappointed here.

Yeah, so apparently Dollhouse is on hiatus this week. Guess I'll have to wait until next Friday to get my Whedon/Trekkie geek on. Bummer.

But remember to tune in Friday, October 23 for the Jonathan Frakes-directed episode of Dollhouse!

New animated film poll!

A sweet, sweet new poll just came out that places Pixar's Toy Story in the number one spot for best animated picture of all time.

OnePoll, the company that conducted the poll, asked the opinion of 4000 film fans and put together a list of the Top 20 best animated films.

My take? There are A LOT of great animated films out there, and I find it incredibly hard to choose an absolute favorite. This poll had to be a very, very close call, but I'm happy with the results. True, I'd like to see Beauty and the Beast higher up on the list, but that's one of only a few small complaints. Is Toy Story the best animated film EVER? I don't know, but it is definitely a contender, and I think it's as deserving as any other of having the top spot in this poll.

What do you think? Did the 4000 fans get it right? What movie would you like to see at number one?

Here's the full list:

1. Toy Story

2. Shrek

3. The Lion King

4. Finding Nemo

5. Ice Age

6. The Jungle Book

7. Monsters Inc

8. Beauty and the Beast

9. Bambi

10. Aladdin

11. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

12. 101 Dalmatians

13. Who Framed Roger Rabbit

14. Watership Down

15. Wall-E

16. Fantasia

17. The Nightmare Before Christmas

18. The Little Mermaid

19. Cinderella

20. Alice in Wonderland

Dollhouse tonight

Just a quick note: Jonathon "Commander Riker" Frakes is directing this week's episode, so don't forget to tune in.

Joss Whedon AND a Star Trek connection? Can it get better than this?

Episode review to come.

Monday, October 12, 2009

"We all knew this day was coming"

Here it is, ladies and gentlemen! The TOY STORY 3 TRAILER!!!

As I said before, I'm always worried when film franchises go for the three-quel. After watching the trailer, however, my doubts have been laid to rest. This, my friends, is gonna be EPIC.

Check it out:

Well, am I right? Stellar animation, emotion and laughter in spades, "Return of the Astro Nut" - looks like this movie is shaping up to be one awesome ride!

Only 8 months and 6 days to go!

Not that I'm counting or anything... :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

BUST or bust!

In Borders the other day, as I was doing my usual book nerd ritual of breathing in the new paper scent and drooling over the books, I stumbled upon a truly awesome magazine.

BUST, the magazine "for women with something to get off their chests," is a revelation. I never thought I'd find a magazine with all the fun of Seventeen magazine but more substance and a focus on women of all ages, not just teenagers. Then I read BUST.

The magazine is unashamedly feminist, and I love that. I hate the fact that "feminist" has become a dirty word. This magazine simply celebrates being a woman in a vast variety of ways, from an article about influential folk music legend Buffy Sainte-Marie to directions for making your own spice cabinet out of a vintage suitcase to a look at the history of lipstick. I especially loved the unusually insightful and honest interview with Ellen Page and Alia Shawkat.

I think every woman should check out this fun, awesome, inspiring magazine. It's brain food and brain candy at the same time. I can't wait for the next issue!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I'm trying, Joss, I really am...

Today's Specials: Pancakes. Or a selection of Adele DeWitt's favorite teas.


I want to like Dollhouse. I really do.

For most of last season, I did. I was right there with the show, especially when we found out who Alpha was. Wow, did that ever blow my mind!

But last Friday's episode was a disappointment. It felt like a repeat of the season premiere - Echo imprints, Echo glitches, Echo and Ballard have a chat about how she can remember past imprints and how she'll help Ballard bring down the Dollhouse.

Honestly, I don't care that much about Ballard and Echo. I know they're supposed to be the center of the show - the Doll whose soul is too strong to be erased completely and the FBI agent whose sense of justice will lead him to save her and free the Dolls -but I honestly care a lot more about the other characters. Thus, this episode left me with more questions than answers. For example: Where was Dr. Saunders/Whiskey? Where was Langdon? What's he going to be up to now that he's not Echo's handler (still majorly bummed about that development - I really liked their bond when he was her handler)? Why did we have to bring November back? And what the hell is going on with Alpha? Doesn't anyone care what he's up to anymore?

Now, don't get me wrong - I don't mean to say that it's all bad. There is plenty to like about this show. I love the many questions involved in this show. What makes a person a person? Is there such a thing as a soul, and does it have power? Should we do something just because we have the technology to make it possible? I also love that we don't get easy answers. None of the characters (except maybe Alpha) is completely good or completely bad. We are allowed to see all sides of the issue and decide for ourselves. Not many shows credit their audience with that kind of intelligence.

One more thing to love about Dollhouse: I just found out that JOHNATHAN FRAKES will be directing an upcoming episode. For anyone who doesn't know, Frakes played Commander William T. Riker on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Total trekkie/Sci Fi geekout here!

So there's hope, definitely. I'll keep watching, and I'll keep hoping to feel the same love for this show that I felt for Buffy, Firefly, and Dr. Horrible. Joss deserves that much from me.

The Toys are Back in Town!

Today's Specials: Your choice of a slice of Pizza Planet pizza or a bowl of Cowboy Crunchies (the only cereal that's sugar frosted and dipped in chocolate!)

Pixar, I love you.

Really, it's enough that you continue to make movies that are beautiful not only on a technical level but also on a pure storytelling level. But you go further. You also allow me to relive some of the greatest films from my childhood.

On the big screen.

In 3D.

Toy Story 1 & 2
are awesome enough as they are. Awesome characters, great animation, the universal fear of having someone you love "outgrow" their love for you: it's all there. But three dimensions = even better.

Favorite 3D moment: The scene in which Woody knocks Buzz out the window. Scary enough in normal 2D, but even more impressive in 3D.

Geeky Bonuses:
  • The people at Pixar provided "Toy Story Trivia & Treats" for those of us who stayed in the theater during intermission. My advice: do whatever you need to do (bathroom, concession stand, whatever) during the credits for Toy Story, then come back to the theater for the trivia. No Toy Story fan would want to miss this. Not only do you get trivia (with the various characters commenting as it goes), but you also get fun, short little clips, like Woody and Jessie dancing and Woody trying to beat Lenny in a staring contest.
  • TOY STORY 3 TRAILER!!! I admit, I'm always a little wary when film franchises go for the third film. I mean, look at Shrek 3, Spider-Man 3, and Ice Age 3, and you'll see why. But I trust the people at Pixar, and the trailer looks REALLY good. Four words: "Return of Astro Nut." I'll post the trailer it when it comes up on YouTube.

UPDATE: I just found this little tidbit from an interview with Tim Allen:

What can we expect from 'Toy Story 3'?

They took forever to get the script right, and they did such a great, emotional, wonderful job. I can't tell you more because I respect where they're coming from. It's kind of a 'Sixth Sense.' The less you hear about it, the more you're going to be surprised. It's just like you expect it to be, but they really found a wonderful piece of business to make this thing run.

Now THAT'S what I want to hear!