Saturday, December 12, 2009

Alpha Love


Oh, Alpha, I love you. Deep, deep fan love.

Yes, you're a psychotic, murderous compilation of forty-plus unstable imprints. You sliced Whiskey's face, killed Dr. Saunders 1.0, cut up Victor, killed nearly everyone who'd ever loved Echo, left Paul Ballard brain dead, and committed all kinds of other monstrous acts along the way. In short, you're evil, ruthless, and scary as all hell.

But you're also incredibly smart and wildly unpredictable, and that's what makes you so fascinating. Really, once you set your mind to some new act of evil, it's all the Dollhouse staff can do to scramble six or seven steps behind, trying to stop you. I mean, let's take a look at the list of people you've outsmarted so far: a tech genius; an ex-FBI agent; a who-the-hell-knows-what-he-did-before-but-he's-got-some-scary-skills head of Dollhouse security; and an anal control freak of a Dollhouse manager. That's pretty impressive.

So, Alpha, I just want to say that I LOVE it whenever you appear on an episode, and not just because you're played by the awesome Alan Tudyk (though, seriously, that's a big part of it). You're easily the scariest villain I've seen on TV in a while, and you turn every episode in which you appear into a wild, wild ride. We never know what you're going to do or how you're going to do it. And on top of it all, you're so damn funny!

So thanks, Alpha, and I can't wait to see you again.

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