Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Favorite Fictional Females Countdown #4: Lorelai and Rory Gilmore

That's right, ladies and gentlemen. Number four on the Favorite Fictional Females Countdown is a tie, because who could split up this fabulous mother/daughter duo? Let's all have a cup of STRONG coffee (so strong only a Gilmore could love it), a burger from Luke's, and some quadruple chocolate brownies to celebrate our favorite girls from Stars Hollow.

Names: Lorelai Gilmore and Lorelai (Rory) Gilmore
Featured in: Gilmore Girls
Portrayed by: Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel (respectively)
Special Skills: Both girls have a superhuman tolerance for coffee, chocolate, and junk food. They are also both blessed with brains, humor, and an unbelievable knowledge of culture, popular and otherwise.
Why They Rock: Many, many reasons. They have the sort of mother/daughter relationship that almost anyone would envy. Both women are strong, intelligent, and driven individuals who are great role models for girls today. Lorelai has an independent, rebellious spirit that has helped her go her own way and create a happy, successful life for herself even after becoming pregnant at sixteen. Rory has intelligence paired with humility and a kind heart that endears her to everyone in Stars Hollow. Plus, the girls have THE BEST QUOTES EVER. A few examples:

: So, apparently, I'm now the Reigning Lorelai.
: Huh. I guess you are.
Lorelai: It's a lot of responsibility.
Rory: Well, sure.
Lorelai: I mean, it's mostly ceremonial stuff nowadays. Declaring knighthoods, opening supermarkets. But now and then, you get to banish someone or pose for a stamp.
Rory: Neat. And coins.
Lorelai: Yeah, and coins. You know, someday you'll be the Reigning Lorelai.
Rory: I don't like that idea!
Lorelai: Why not? You get a cape.
Rory: Because if I'm the Reigning Lorelai, then that means you'll be gone.
Lorelai: Gone? No, not me. I'll step down way before that. I'm not going to pull a Queen Elizabeth on you, make you wait around forever, force you to develop interests in polo and architecture.
Rory: I am scared of horses.
Lorelai: I know that.
Rory: So there's a cape, huh?

Lorelai: Mom, it's just a pretend wedding. J-Lo has them all the time.

Lorelai: [at the town meeting, when everyone is talking about the bad things that Jess has done] I hear he controls the weather and wrote the screenplay to Glitter!

Rory: [talking about Paris] Can you say crazy anal micromanager?
Lorelai: Not five times fast.

Lorelai: Can I use the fun cutter thingy?
Luke: Not if you call it the fun cutter thingy.
Lorelai: Please?
Luke: Cut the boxes, not your hands.
Lorelai: Good tip, you should teach!

Rory: So, is this party Grandma's having going to be a big deal?
Lorelai: Not really. The government will close that day. Flags will fly at half-mast. Barbra Streisand will give her final concert... again.
Rory: Uh-huh.
Lorelai: Now, the Pope has previous plans, but he's trying to get out of them. However, Elvis and Jim Morrison are coming and they're bringing chips.

Emily: You were on the phone?
Richard: Long distance.
Lorelai: God?
Richard: London.
Lorelai: God lives in London?
Richard: My mother lives in London.
Lorelai: Your mother is God?
Richard: Lorelai...
Lorelai: So, God *is* a woman.
Richard: Lorelai.
Lorelai: *And* a relative. That's so cool. I'm gonna totally ask for favors.
Richard: Make her stop.
Rory: Oh, that I could.

Lorelai: [to Rory] I have to know where you are at all times, especially when you have my shoes on.

Lorelai: Okay, I think we just found the first room in the history of the world that would've made Liberace say 'Whoa. Step back. No one's that gay.'

Lorelai: Hey, I have kind of a crazy idea.
Rory: Those are never comforting words coming from you.

Lorelai: Hey, you didn't wake me up.
Rory: I set the clock.
Lorelai: Yes, but see, the clock stops ringing once I throw it against the wall giving me ample time to fall back to sleep. You, however, never stop yapping no matter how hard I throw you, thus insuring the wake up process.

Lorelai: Heh, you know what I just realized? "Oy" is the funniest word in the entire world.
Rory: Hmm.
Lorelai: I mean think about it, you never hear the word "oy" and not smile. Impossible. Funny, funny word.
Emily: Oh dear God.
Lorelai: "Poodle" is another funny word.
Emily: Please drink your drink, Lorelai.
Lorelai: In fact, if you put "oy" and "poodle" together, in the same sentence, you'd have a great new catchphrase, you know? Like, "Oy with the poodles already."
Rory: Hehe.
Lorelai: So from now on, when the perfect circumstances arise, we will use our favorite new catchphrase:
Rory: Oy with the poodles already.
Lorelai: I'm telling you, it's knocking "Whatchu talkin' 'bout, Willis?" right out of first place.

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