Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Evil again? Why?


I'll be honest. The only reason I watched the first episode of "V" tonight was because Alan Tudyk was a guest star. The show itself is, in my opinion, a rather lame retread of the whole alien invasion concept. However, there was no way I was going to miss a chance to see my current celebrity crush on TV again, no matter what show.

But do they let me enjoy it? NO! Because, once again, Alan had to pull an Alpha and turn out to be working for the Dark Side!

Don't get me wrong: Alan Tudyk plays evil and creepifying REALLY well. We saw it on Dollhouse, and we get to see it again here. I'm sure he'll be awesome as an evil, lizard-y sleeper cell agent.

But we also know he can play the funny good guy just as well, the obvious example being Wash. The good guy is what I thought I was getting at the beginning of this episode; unfortunately, that guy was just a cover for his true, evil V identity, so we won't get to see nice guy Alan anymore. Bummer. :(

Also: Did we REALLY need to see his character stabbed through the chest? That moment brought on a VERY depressing "leaf on the wind" flashback (R.I.P., Wash).

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