Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Get over it already!

Here are the so-called "news stories" that I am sick of hearing about. Media outlets of the world: can we move on to some real news? Please?

  • Heckle-gate: OK, Joe Wilson shouldn't have shouted "You lie!" during Obama's speech. I think most of us can agree on that. But he's already apologized. Can't we just let it go? Do we really need a resolution denouncing his actions? Do we really need him to apologize to the House? No, we don't. If bipartisanship is really what we're after, we need to stop tearing down the other side every time they make a mistake.
  • Kanye West: He was an idiot, no doubt about it. And he clearly has issues if he feels the need to hijack and ruin someone else's moment. But in the end, he was a ridiculous guy acting ridiculously at an awards ceremony that no one will really remember a year from now. Let's just let it go.
  • Obama's criticism of Kanye: Come on, people. He was off the record! And what's more, he was just voicing what EVERYONE was already thinking. Geez, I haven't heard this much fuss made of something so little since the uproar over Michelle Obama's shorts!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fall TV mish-mash

All right, just a few notes on some of the TV shows that I'm either A) looking forward to, or B) mildly curious about this fall:

  • The Jay Leno Show: After all the hype, I just had to tune in and see if all the fuss was worth it. And the verdict is: I'm not sure. Really, I think it's pretty much just the Tonight Show at a different time. Not to say that that's a bad thing: I like Jay Leno, particularly when he does Headlines like he did last night. But I'm still hoping there will be something new and exciting coming up.
  • The Big Bang Theory: Ah, the show for the geek in all of us! What with the great writing, awesome characters (particularly Leonard and Sheldon) and lots of great Star Trek references, my inner geek rejoices every time I watch this show. And this fall, I'm especially looking forward to the Leonard/Penny reunion. Might they finally get together this time? Also, I'm totally rooting for Jim Parsons (Sheldon) at this year's Primetime Emmys - he's up for Best Actor in a Comedy!
  • V: So, I don't know much about this show. In fact, I only know two things: it's a remake of an old show, and two Firefly actors - Alan Tudyk (Wash) and Morena Baccarin (Inara) - are in the cast. That last point might be enough to get me to tune in.
  • Dollhouse: All hail the great Joss Whedon! I admit, it took me a while to warm up to this show, but now I see all the hallmarks of Whedon awesomeness: smart, funny writing; awesome, diverse characters; and twists that you NEVER see coming. Plus, another chance to see Alan Tudyk (!), albeit in a VERY different sort of role.
  • Lost: OK, I admit: I kind of stopped watching this show in the middle of last season (I got busy with school or something), so I'll have to catch up before the season starts. Still, I think this is the craziest, most mind-boggling (in a good way) show on TV.
So, that's about it. What about the rest of you? Any new shows you're interested in? Any old shows you can't wait for? Let me know!

UPDATE: I'm also looking forward to Glee. As a former theatre kid, I know what it's like to be one of the high school losers who love to perform onstage. I saw the premiere last fall, and I loved it! The show is funny and quirky, but it also goes for the deeper things, like the very emotional reasons that the kids feel the need to perform. As I said, I've been there, and I know that everyone has a reason.

Monday, September 14, 2009

"Wicked" cool

Today's Specials: Steamed artichoke and punch with lemons and melons and pears (oh my!)

It's arguably the biggest musical theatre event of our generation. It has made huge Broadway stars of Idina Menzel and Kristen Chenoweth. And it has inspired adoration from legions of fans around the world.

And now, I've seen it.

I'm talking, of course, about Wicked, the hit musical reimagining of the story of the Witches of Oz.

I bought the soundtrack last winter and immediately fell in love with it. So when I found out that the Wicked national tour would be "flying back to the Emerald City" this fall, I leapt at the chance. Not even an $80+ ticket price could keep me away. Fortunately, the show turned out to be totally worth it.

Things I loved:
  • The sets, costumes, and lighting. Seriously, I don't think it can get any better than this. Every scene was an absolute feast for the eyes.
  • Defying Gravity. OMG, total theatrical ecstasy.
  • Donna Vivino as Elphaba. Her Elphaba struck the perfect balance between the sensitive, compassionate soul who deeply feels injustice against others and the strong woman who must use her sharp wit to survive in a world that won't accept her. I particularly liked her cackle and the way she told Fiyero that she felt "wicked."
  • The many references to the Wizard of Oz. I know, it seems obvious that a story using the characters from that book and movie would have plenty of references, but the ones I loved the best were surprising and really, really funny.
Things that disappointed:
  • Popular, as sung by Chandra Lee Schwartz. All in all, I thought Chandra was a great G(a)linda. However, I didn't much care for her performance of Popular. She was far too spastic and she sounded very out of breath for the whole song.
  • The plot was, at times, a bit hard to follow. For instance, I'm not entirely sure why Elphaba was suddenly inspired to go free the monkeys after talking to her sister. I know they had to get all the movie plot points in, but some of the turns in the story seemed forced.