Thursday, August 28, 2008

I love this - check it out!

For Your Listening (and Viewing) Pleasure: Boom De Ya Dah, from the Discovery Channel

Monday, August 11, 2008

Olympic Update

Some of the AWESOME feats that have occurred already in Beijing:
  • US men beat the French in the 4X100m freestyle relay with an UNBELIEVABLE final leg by Lezak! "Smash them," huh? Time to eat your words!
  • Michael Phelps wins the first 3 of 8 gold medals. In the latest gold, he left the entire field behind and smashed the world record in the process.
  • The US not only wins the women's fencing saber final, but SWEEPS it - gold, silver, bronze.
Stay tuned for more awesomeness!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Let the Games Begin!

The 2008 Beijing Olympics have begun at last, and if the 8/8/08 opening date has anything to do with it, these Games should be lucky indeed.

The Opening Ceremonies, at least, were absolutely awe-inspiring. I've wracked my brains for adjectives great enough to describe beauty and wonder of the ceremony, but everything I think of seems small and unworthy when compared with the event I'm trying to describe. I'll just list some of the many amazing things witnessed during the Opening Ceremonies (I can't list EVERYTHING, or this post would be PAGES long):
  • First of all, the Bird's Nest Stadium itself. The place is completely original and absolutely beautiful in its deceptive simplicity. And it's HUGE too!
  • 2008 drummers (that's right, 2008) all drumming in perfect rhythm.

  • The giant scroll on the floor that opened up into the world's largest LED screen
    • The dancers who became human calligraphy brushes
  • The Tai Chi performers (2008 of them, again) who formed a giant, filled-in circle around a group of schoolchildren. As one announcer noted, try getting ten friends together and having them to stand in a circle. It's not easy.
  • The Parade of Nations, especially:
    • Lopez Lamar, the United States flag-bearer, who survived genocide as one of the Lost Boys of Sudan and went on to become an Olympic athlete.
    • Yao Ming carrying the Chinese flag alongside a nine-year-old survivor of the Sezchuan earthquake survivor who went back into the rubble of his schoolhouse to save two of his friends.

  • The Torch Lighting - oh my word. It was incredible. Li Ning, a former gymnast who is still one of China's most famous athletes, was literally lifted into the air and carried around the top of the Bird's Nest by wires as he "sprinted" past images of the Torch Relay that were projected behind him. Then, the giant cauldron (see picture at top) appeared out of the side of the Bird's Nest and was lit by Li. AWESOME.
All I can say is, if the Opening Ceremonies are this amazing, I can't wait for the rest of the games. I am, of course, going to be watching as much Michael Phelps action as I can, but I'm one of those crazies who will watch EVERYTHING in the Olympics. Its the only time that I find myself cheering on athletes in sports like wrestling, badminton, beach volleyball, and rowing (to name a few). I've already watched Michael Phelps dominate in the Men's 400 m, seen Australia's Stephanie Rice hold on to win the Women's 400, cheered on Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh as they beat the Japanese team in an early beach volleyball match, and applauded as Team USA put on a strong show in the early days of the Men's Gymnastics competition.

I am SO excited for this!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Favorite Fictional Females Countdown #2: Hermione Granger

Put on your S.P.E.W. badges, help yourself to today's special of sugar-free Chocolate Frogs (remember, her parents are dentists!), and raise your butterbeer bottles high for our countdown's "enchanting" runner-up: Hermione Granger!

Name: Hermione Jean Granger

Featured in: All seven novels of the Harry Potter series

Portrayed (in the films) by: Emma Watson

House: Gryffindor

Patronus: Otter

Boggart: Professor McGonagall telling Hermione that she failed everything

Affiliations: The Trio, Dumbledore's Army, S.P.E.W., The Order of the Phoenix (though she is not technically a member).

Special Skills: Where do I start? She's the best in her year in every subject at Hogwarts, and for good reason: it takes her very little time to memorize, understand, and flawlessly perform spells or potions of any kind. According to Lupin, Hermione is "the brightest witch of (her) age" he's ever met. In fact, the only spell that she has any trouble with at all is the Patronus Charm - she can do it, but it isn't easy for her. Hermione also has a mind for strategy and organization that has helped Harry and Ron many, many times.

Why She Rocks: Oh. My. Goodness. Where do I begin? Hermione may be described most often as "brainy" (and she certainly is), but that label doesn't even begin to describe what makes Hermione such a great character. One only has to look at Hermione's house placement to realize that there is more to this girl than her incredible brain power. She has all the smarts (and then some) to be placed in Ravenclaw (the house of "wit and learning"), but the Sorting Hat places her in Gryffindor- the house "where dwell the brave at heart." Her bravery is obviously great enough to overshadow her intelligence - and thats saying something. Looking for her examples of her bravery? Well, besides the obvious (her heroic actions at the climax of nearly every book), Hermione's bravery is shown most often in her tireless efforts to stand up for those who suffer injustice, especially her friends.
Hermione is a loyal friend who does not hesitate to stand up for - and beside - those she cares for, no matter what the danger might be. Just consider the resounding smack that Malfoy received when he insulted Hagrid. Or, even better, recall Hermione's response to Harry when he told her (and Ron) that they shouldn't undertake the dangerous Horcrux hunt with him: "You told us once that there was time to turn back if we wanted to. We've had time, haven't we?" Hermione is strong, compassionate, and brave - and yes, smart - and I think she is an incredible role model to all of us girls who grew up with her.

Oh, and one of the biggest reasons Hermione rocks? Harry and Ron would have been died a thousand times over without her. Seriously. The series would have been one short, thoroughly depressing book without Hermione Granger.